Trusted technicians
For most, a spray booth is one of the key pieces of equipment to any paint shop, in the unfortunate event something is not working it is paramount the equipment is back up and running as soon as possible.
Lowbake only uses licensed, trained and competent technicians backed by the manufacturer’s own internal support team; to work on your equipment so you can walk away with confidence that your spray booth and paint shop equipment is in safe, capable hands.
Knowledge and experience of the equipment is so important to minimise any downtime, let Lowbake take care of your spray booth troubles with it’s dedicated and experienced support team.
Support at the fingertips
Lowbake’s Alpha, Alpha elite and GAS IR products all have back-to-base monitoring and diagnostic capabilities. From Lowbake’s head office, a support team member can remotely log in and check on the status of the machinery as well as fault find should any issues arise.
Remote diagnostic capabilities allow our technicians to remotely fix problems or if the issue can’t be fixed remotely, arm our technicians with the correct part from the beginning, reducing down time to the bare minimum.
Spray booth filters
It is very important that you only fit the recommended filters to your Lowbake booth. Fitting filters other than those specified may cause the booth to become unsafe and may affect performance and cleanliness. The specified filters below have been selected for the their superior dust holding ability and long life.
Inlet roof filters
The ULTIMATE ceiling filter is mainly used in advanced industries such as car painting, Hi-Tech electronics, aerospace or defence industries.
The cabin side of the filter media is reinforced by a bonded PE mesh. High flame resistance, high dust holding capacity, low initial resistance, safe and reliable. Made with high-performance, break-resistance synthetic fibre with progressive-density. The fibre media has been impregnated with adhesive to prevent dust particles passing. The filtered air evenly spreads to form a laminar flow throughout to achieve the best spray paint results.
Exhaust floor filters
Paint pockets green is your best value for production spray booths. Paint-pockets are specially engineered to filter both liquid and powder coating over-spray generated in industrial and automotive applications. This filter is specifically designed and priced to replace expanded paper, fiberglass and other lower efficient, lower cost filters. By switching your filtration media to paint pockets green you reap the rewards of the paint pockets green triple bonus.
We only recommends Original Paint pockets green for your Lowbake spray booth.
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